Trends in Packaging
The packaging industry has changed radically over the last few years, and we are seeing the market change as well through continual innovations and designs that are re-defining the realm of packaging. Along with companies trying to differentiate themselves on the retail shelves, and trying to set their products apart from the competition in the most cost effective manner. Gone are the days when a printer only offered a narrow aspect of packaging. What is emerging are companies that offer their clients a wide range of products; everything from labels to standup pouches, shrink sleeves, tamper evident products, to retail boxes.
As an industry, we have adapted to accommodate the push for just-in-time delivery; along with offering a range of more technologically advanced printing and packaging types. This has really lent itself to an organization that can also provide multiple products, and that can manage multiple client time-lines as we fill the production supply chain. Sometimes it can be daunting, considering with anything printed, it is either “Right or it’s Wrong”, however with packaging you have an added dimension that it also has to work on the production line and with other integral components, so in essence if you do not get it right you can be wrong on so many levels. Our industry has spent a great deal of time and money, to not only be more efficient and create less waste but also be able to create a duplicable product, from run to run.
In the last 5 years we have seen a growth for new film products that go beyond recyclable, but are certified Bio degradable, and/or compostable in some cases, which opens up new possibilities when it comes to barrier packaging. I have always been a proponent that packaging not only has to be safe and functional, but also able to be at the very least recyclable. I really like the trend of the bio-degradable and compostable packaging, even though a lot of these products have around in some format for years, the adoption and acceptance of these once niche products are now slowly becoming mainstream.
As we adapt to our customer’s needs, the desire for new and innovative ways to capture market share for our clients in a retail setting, is what we are focusing on. With the Packaging Industry in North America currently estimated at 169 billion and projected to reach at least 186 billion by 2017, the desire to be different while creating a safe and functional package will continue to be a driving force in the market. With some of the fastest growing segments being stand up pouches, tamper evident shrink sleeves, and anti-counterfeit packaging. All of which are highly specialized areas of packaging and require some technical expertise to pull it off well. One thing for sure, it will be an exciting ride.
CEO and founding partner